

Many people do not realize just how serious 酒后驾车 charges can be, 然而, you should fully underst和 the penalties you may face for a 酒后驾车 在加州 和 how our Tehama County 酒后驾车 lawyer can use his 30+ years of experience to defend you from those consequences. 我们公司知道人都会犯错, 和 if you made a mistake that is now holding your future in jeopardy, 至关重要的是你不能拖延. 联系 欧博平台注册 today so we can discuss your case 和 begin mounting the best defense possible on your behalf.


If you’ve been charged 与一个 酒后驾车, you have a lot on the line. Our firm underst和s this, 和 our Red Bluff criminal lawyer is on your side. 这是否是你的第一次, 第二个, 或第三次酒驾, you can depend on us to fight for your right to freedom.


Blood alcohol content is the measurement by which law enforcement determines whether someone is considered under the influence of alcohol. 法定上限是 .08%, 和 if you are stopped for a 酒后驾车 和 an officer asks you to take a breath test 和 you blow over .百分之零点八,你将被控酒驾. 在某些情况下, such as if you are a minor or are operating a commercial truck, you can receive a 酒后驾车 even if your blood alcohol content was under .08%


即使是一个 初犯酒驾, you can expect to face a wide array of penalties, 从吊销驾照, 社区服务, 甚至坐牢. Regardless if this is your first offense, you need an attorney you can depend on.


一旦你提交了 第二次进攻, California courts will treat you as a repeat offender. This means that you are facing even harsher charges than before, 和 your chances of going to jail drastically increase.


对于一个 第三次或以后酒后驾车 在加州, you will most likely lose your license for years, 在监狱里呆很长时间, 和, 当然, you will have a criminal record that will follow you for years to come. Our Tehama County 酒后驾车 lawyer is ready to do everything in his power to help ensure that your charges are mitigated, or, 在最好的情况下, 完全放弃.


If you are arrested 与一个 blood alcohol content of .15%或更高,你很可能会面临 高背酒驾 charges, which will almost certainly bring about harsher penalties than a 酒后驾车 与一个 BAC lower than .15%.


当人们听到“酒驾”这个词时,” they generally picture someone who was driving while under the influence of alcohol. 然而, you should underst和 that you can also be charged 与一个 酒后驾车 if you are found to have been driving while under the influence of drugs. 如果你面对的是 药物酒后驾车 在加州, it is critical that you retain experienced legal counsel at once.


If you are a minor under the age of 21 和 you are charged 与一个 酒后驾车, you are facing serious penalties as a result. 你的人生还在后头呢, why risk hiring anyone other than an attorney who has the skill 和 dedication needed to effectively fight your charges at every turn? Do not settle–Attorney Cohen is here to help.


In California, as a commercial driver, you only need a blood alcohol content of .4%的人会被逮捕并被指控酒后驾车. 初犯, you will have your driver’s license suspended for at least one year, 和 you will face a fine 和 up to one year in jail, 在其他处罚中. 第二次犯罪, you will most likely lose your commercial driver’s license for life, 在其他后果中. Our firm is here to do everything in our power to prevent this from happening to preserve your livelihood.

What Happens if I Refuse to Take a Breath Test 在加州?

While it may seem tempting to simply refuse to take a breath test when asked–especially if you are, 事实上, 在影响下,在大多数情况下, refusal to submit to chemical testing will come with its own set of penalties, 包括罚款, 吊销执照, 和更多的. 对于一个 first refusal conviction, you will lose your license for one year. 对于一个 第二个 refusal conviction, you will lose your license for two years. 对于一个 third conviction, you will lose your license for three years.


幸运的是, 与一个n experienced California criminal defense lawyer on your side who has h和led countless criminal cases for over 30 years, you will have an advocate who is familiar with the proper law enforcement protocol, 酒精测试是如何工作的, 和更多的. 因此, he will also have an underst和ing of how law enforcement could have violated protocol, thereby having a valid defense against your charges. Though the defense that our firm uses will largely depend on the specific circumstances surrounding your charge, 与一个 雷丁酒驾律师 on your side, you can rest assured knowing that your case is in good h和s.


If you’ve been charged 与一个 酒后驾车 in Tehama County or anywhere 在加州, you cannot afford to proceed without knowledgeable legal counsel on your side. We underst和 that a mistake does not define you, 和 we will fight with everything we have to help ensure that one mistake does not go on to haunt you for years. 联系 欧博平台注册 today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.
